The various garbage collection implementations use different strategies for identification and reclamation of unreachable objects, and they interact differently with the user program and scheduler. 不同的垃圾收集实现使用不同的策略来识别和收回不可到达的对象,它们与用户程序和调度器以不同的方式互动。
Once a program is in memory, the scheduler is no longer concerned with it. 一旦程序在主存中了,调度程序就与此程序无关了。
In software engineering, a basic part of a system or program. For example, the scheduler or supervisor of an operating system. 在软件工程中,系统或程序的基本部分。例如,操作系统中的调度程序或管理程序。
A routine that writes from an external source to an internal store. Once a program is in memory, the scheduler is no longer concerned with it. 从外部资源写人内存的例行程序。一旦程序在主存中了,调度程序就与此程序无关了。
In the process of program designing, the multi test line scheduler is realized on the oriented object analyzing and designing combining with the multitasking concept; 在软件设计的过程中,采用面向对象的程序方法结合多进程的概念,为实现对多条检测线进行调度提供了良好的解决方案;
With the traditional use of serial communication constitute scheduling systems, the program not only the master scheduler using Ethernet mode, remote sub-station and the substation automation system is also used Ethernet mode. 与传统的采用串口通信方式构成的调度系统不同,该方案中不仅调度主站采用以太网方式,远动子站和各变电站综合自动化系统也采用以太网方式。